Top 5 Reasons to Work for Origins
1. Origins is a fast growing brand which continues to evolve and move with the needs and demands of today’s customer. A brand where each person has the opportunity to make a real difference, a brand where your voice can be heard and will be listened to.
2. Origins gives you the opportunity to represent high-performance products that are powered by nature and proven by science.
3. You will be part of a brand that has a unique point of difference in the skincare market place. It’s a brand that really cares for its customers as well as the planet and treats its staff and customers with genuine warmth and authenticity.
4. Origins offers a unique recognition/accreditation program and rewards its Guides for outstanding performance and achievements.
5. Origins ensures that all Guides are developed through education and training, in order for them to expertly carry out their role, whether a part time Guide or Counter/Store Manager.
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