
For over a decade, we've partnered with enviornmental non-profit organizations like One Tree Planted to support tree planting efforts around the world. And with every tree, we've grown our commitment to help restore ecosystems, benefit local communities and fight climate change.

In partnership with One Tree Planted we don't just plant seeds— we plant saplings. This boosts the tree's growth and the best part: it offers a better chance of establishing a root system, which will help it withstand periods with less rain.*

*Source: One Tree Planted
Close-up on a hand planting a sapling on the ground

Origins Green The Planet

Today, more than ever, we recognize the disproportionate impact that environmental degradation and global warming have on disadvantaged communities. We also recognize that it’s not enough to strive for environmental quality—we must strive for human equality. 


With its Green The Planet initiatives, Origins is commitmented to helping to restore ecosystems one tree at a time and supporting the work of environmental justice organizations around the world to trigger real, meaningful change for the lives of the present and generations to come.


Since 2009, Origins has planted and cared for more than 2.3 million trees and counting in projects spanning Asia, Europe and North America. That is equivalent to more than 177,123 trees per year, 485 trees per day, and 20 trees per hour.


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